Final Orders
Deceased Crew members

Alexander, RichardCDRShipmate Captain Alexander passed away on June 1, 2022, at Middletown, RI
Ashley, RonnieSNShipmate Ashley passed away on February 8, 2011, at Trenton, TN
Beinhaur, RonBT2Shipmate Beinhaur passed away May 12, 2021
Bishop, EricBMSNShipmate Bishop passed away on October 30, 2022, at Crossville, Tn.
Bradley (Family), RobertSTG2quality control manager electro dyn electronics and as a customs broker for norman g employed by livingston customs brokers
Briggs, DonaldLTShipmate Briggs passed away on July 20, 1993, in Arlington, VA
Brinkheide, JohnETN3Shipmate Brinkheide passed away on September 27, 2014, in Dale City, VA
Briscoe, MyronETM3Shipmate Briscoe passed away on February 1, 2013
Camann, TomETR3Shipmate Camann passed away October 31, 2020
Cavallaro, JoeSNShipmate Cavallaro passed away on January 8, 2012, Palermo, NJ.
Cistriano, JohnLTJGShipmate Captain Cistriano passed away on September 17, 2023, at Annapolis, Maryland
Combs, JamesGMGCA
Currie, William R.SNRetired
Daum, RichardFNShipmate Daum passed away on February 28, 2011 in Stuart, FL.
DeChambeau, PaulBT3
Deskin, RichardEM3Shipmate Deskin passed away November 1,2020
Dolbier, QuentinBMCMShipmate Dolbier passed away on May 10, 2006 in Milton, FL.
Duffy, JohnDC2
Duquette, RandallHM1Shipmate Duquette passed away June 30,2008 of cancer.
Emerson, DaveCDRShipmate Emerson passed away on October, 2003 (Semmes' 3rd CO 1966-1968)
Eytchison, MichaelBM
Ferguson, JamesRDCShipmate Ferguson passed away November 13,2008
Fisher, WayneSNShipmate Fisher passed away on Oct. 22, 2008 after a long struggle with Neurosarcoidosis.
Foote, Wayne W.ETR2Shipmate Foote passed away Dec. 19, 2014 from abdominal cancer.
Gallman, RayBT1Shipmate Gallman passed away on March 1973
Goheen, JoeRM3
Hackworth, James P.IC3Shipmate Hackworth passed away on February 17, 1992
Haynes, DavidOS3Shipmate Haynes passed away in 93 this was our first ship. Just wondering if anyone remmembers him. He loved that ship. Would love to hear from somebody. Thanks,Jan
Hess, George F.LTJGShipmate Hess passed away October 5, 2015, in Fort Lauderdale, FL
Hill, VicBT1
Hopping, Earle A.RD2Working in leasing commercial real estate. (office and warehouse space)
Horton, RayMM1Ray passed away on January 22,2020 from Asbestos related lung cancer, exposed while serving.
Hulsey, Floyd S.RM2Shipmate Hulsey passed away July 28, 2021 in Auburndale, Florida
Hummel, JoeCWO3Shipmate Hummel passed away July 31,2004
Johnson, KennethSNShipmate Johnson passed away suddenly on December 8th 2006.
Jones, John E.ET1Shipmate Jones passed away on September 22, 2011. He died of complications from kidney failure.
Kalleres, MichaelLTShipmate Kalleres passed away on July 18, 2010
Kelly, DirkHM3Shipmate Kelly passed away September 24,2018 of cancer.
Knutson, Donald W.LCDRShipmate Knutson passed away January 7,1977 at Portsmouth, Virginia
Layus, CharlesBT3Shipmate Layus passed away March 15, 2021
Lillefloren, DennisHMCS
McDuff, LarryLTJGShipmate McDuff passed away June 14, 2005
McMahon, David G.ETR3Shipmate McMahon passed away October 1,2021 of natural causes.
Merrick, BruceET2Shipmate Merrick passed away on October, 2013, at West Richfield, Ohio
Neal, StephenMM3
Rath, PhilGMG3
Rodgers, J. M.LTJGShipmate Rodgers passed away on July 5, 2002. (Semmes' commissioning Chief Engineer)
Russell, WestIC3Shipmate Russell passed away in November 1994; I know he cherished his sevice on the Semmes. take care, russell jr.
Sazama, DonBT2Shipmate Sazama passed away Sept 13, 2024
Scott, Eddie J.RM1Shipmate Scott passed away January 16,2007
Shuberg, FredMM3
Skinner, Orten CHMCMShipmate Skinner passed away on 3 September 2006 at the age of 76
Stelzner, PaulPNCShipmate Stelzner passed away September 28, 2010 died in Milton, Florida.
Stogner, Elbert E.GM1
Swain, Kenneth A.SNMy dear brother Kenny passed away in September of 1978.He was 24 years young and is still missed by his friends and family.We are all proud of him.I named my son after him.
Swider, AlexanderSNShipmate Swider passed away on Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Tavender, KennethFTCShipmate Tavender passed away in 1980
Villa, John H.RM3Shipmate Villa passed away October 29, 2006 as a result of an accident.
Vinck, JulienFTM2Shipmate Vinck passed away on July, 2014.
Weber, StephenEM2Shipmate Weber passed away on January 4, 2021
Welander, RobertCDRShipmate Welander passed away on June 21,2005 in San Diego, CA
Wichek, Horst E.BT3Shipmate Wichek, age 87, of Raleigh, North Carolina passed away on Friday, June 30, 2023

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